Wednesday 9 July 2008

Jennifer Esposito

Dana Carvey's 'The Masters of Disguise', a ridiculously bad film from 2002, worth mentioning only for being the first time I noticed Jennifer Esposito. Well that and this thing about turtles...

It's wierd because I'd seen her in things before, like 'Spin City', and more importantly 'Don't Say A Word', but had never even registered that she was even there. I feel like my not noticing her in DSAY is mostly because of the genius of Brittany Murphy, (I barely remember Famke in that film) but she was in Spin City for 2 years...

Anyways! Post Masters I was expecting great things from J-Espo, but it never happened. I've always blamed Eva Mendes and her bogarting all the roles for hispanic women in their age bracket, but I feel like Hollywood just forgot about her. It's easy to argue Mendes the better actress because she's been in so many high profile films, but J-Espo in Spike Lee's 'Summer of Sam' was arguably better than anything Eva's ever done. She even made the Jimmy Fallon disaster 'Taxi' watchable.

She's proven she can do TV, I think I was one of the only 3 people who actually liked her show 'Related', and she's finally getting recognition for 'Samantha Who?', but my point is that she can do better than playing the drunk best friend to Christina Applegate (who coincidentally I also love...) in a 30 minute sitcom.

Eva Mendes imdb page tells me she is currently attached to four high profile films, two out this year.
Jennfier Esposito's imdb page makes me sad.

Justin Theroux

So 'Charlies Angels: Full Throttle' was on the other day, and I feel no shame admitting that I watched it. Where my shame lies is that it was possibly the 20-something-th time that I've watched it... That said, everytime I watch it and Shamus O'Grady appears, I always say the same thing to whomever I've forced to watch it with me/usually myself: "I love him!" And I do. I love you Justin Theroux!

He played two different characters in SATC - and I loved both of them, even though one was an ass; he was in Ally McBeal (seriously, a guest appearance in Ally McBeal may aswell be a stamp of greatness); Six Feet Under; Alias; Mulholland Drive; American Psycho; ZOOLANDER (!) and a whole load of other things that I'm going to put on my blockbuster wishlist.

Now I realise he's not out of work - he co-wrote and stars in 'Tropic Thunder' with Ben Stiller - nor should he ever be! (LOVE) But I just want to make a point that he is always welcome in any show ever.

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Alex Dimitriades & Abi Tucker

Unlike the American shows of the 90's, the Australian show Heartbreak High had a great quality cast and occasionally you can see them popping up in various films and series. I watched Heartbreak High on and off, but a few years ago when they were showing the repeats from the beginning I really got into it. My favourites were Con, Kat, Drazic, Nick and Jodie. I liked Con for his comedy value, maybe he was a good actor aswell but I don't remember. Kat, played by Ada Nicodemou has been a regular in Home and Away for several years so she's doing alright, and Callan Mulvey who played Drazic also had a role in Home and Away over the last couple of years. But I haven't heard anything about Alex Dimitriades for years, and Abi Tucker since The Secret Life of Us (which was a really great show itself). Maybe I haven't heard anything about them because I don't live in Australia and IMDB tells me they have roles in some shows over there, but I'm adding these two to the list because if ex-Australian soap actors like Melissa George and Radha Mitchell can make it in Hollywood then these two should have been able to aswell.

Sunday 29 June 2008

Lena Olin

Alias had everything I look for in a tv show; fighting, espionage, costumes, world travel, awkward tension, secret lives...I didn't even realise that season 1 was missing something until season 2 came around and they added the psychotic Irina Derevko aka Laura Bristow or spy-mom to the true alias geeks over at twop *cough*. How did they introduce her you ask? Oh like this:

Yes, that would be Sydney. Her daughter. Lena Olin as the most badass Russian double agent to appear on tv made season 2 of Alias some of the best tv ever. EVER. Later family scenes between Irina, Sydney and Jack were classic, and even when the show lost all sense of what it was trying to do in the later seasons, any episode with Lena Olin in it was immediately awesome.

Like say... when she kills people with no hesitation:

Bad. Ass.

I'm focusing on Alias here because that's where I know her, and I would completely typecast her as Irina-esque characters because why waste greatness like that? That said, her imdb page is extensive and she is no doubt a great actress.

She's also 53 and I don't hate her. That's right, her greatness even combats my 'I hate old people' agenda. One of the few Olin, one of the few.

Holly Robinson Peete

I only know her from her role as Vanessa in Hangin with Mr Cooper in the 90's, but she was obviously a good enough actress to be included on the Cast List otherwise I wouldn't remember her. She had great comic timing, and I always thought she made the other lead woman that lived in the house (her name had something to do with Switzerland...Geneva?) appear really poor acting-wise in comparison. This may have been because the other woman was meant to be really uptight in contrast to Vanessa, I dont know. Either way Holly Robinson (she wasn't Peete back then) was the best actor out of the cast. Raven Symone was also in this show, but the less said about her the better. Looking at her resume...she's out of work- her last two projects were for TV, one of which was called Football Wives.

Sarah Buxton

Otherwise known as the Queen of Sunset Beach. I'm actually surprised Mojo didn't beat me to adding her, because I possess nowhere near the level of appreciation for Sarah Buxton that Mojo does. Having said that, I did watch a dodgy film with Buxton and someone who appeared to look like Alyssa Milano. The film may have been dodgy, but at least it showcased Buxton's acting skills- I will say they were comparable to Famke's in Model By Day, but even more cringeworthy. Despite that, Buxton is included in the Cast List for her pantomime villain expertise and not actual acting ability. Surprisingly she actually starred in a film this year called Japan, and she'll be in a film with Ashton Kutcher in 2009 called Spread. But her resume is looking pretty sparse, and judging by photo's of her on IMDB she definitely needs to shift back into the mainstream.

Mark Paul Gosselaar

The Jonathan Taylor Thomas entry got me thinking about my own favourite childhood shows, and reminded me of the one and only Zack Morris from Saved By The Bell! I preferred the original cast which included AC Slater, Kelly Kapowski, Jessie Spano, Screech and Lisa (I don't remember their surnames). I didn't have to google the cast by the way, its all stored in my memory. Impressive, I know. Anyway Zack was the best, despite his character being more comedic than dramatic I'm sure fellow watchers of Saved by the Bell will agree that Mark Paul Gosselaar did display genuine acting ability. Last I heard he was in NYPD Blue, which I believe is quite a solid acting gig but checking his recent stuff its all TV movies and a few appearances in various shows. I've thought about it and no other SBTB alumni are good enough to be on the Cast List, and no one else from shows such as Sister Sister, Hang Time, City Guys, Sweet Valley High, Clarissa Explains It All or California Dreams will make it either. An honourable mention does go out to Sly from California Dreams however.